Guarantee & Returns

The terms for exchanging and returning goods are generally accepted and regulated by the norms of the current consumer protection legislation. Certain items are not subject to return or exchange according to the rules defined by Ukrainian law.

• Return of Goods of Proper Quality

In accordance with current legal norms*, perfumery and cosmetic products of proper quality are not subject to return or exchange. *Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Consumer Rights Protection' dated 12.05.1991 No. 1023-XII and Appendix No. 3 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 'On the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Law of Ukraine 'On Consumer Rights Protection' dated 19.03.1994 No. 172. Goods of proper quality that are not subject to exchange (return) include: perfumery and cosmetic products, items of sanitary hygiene, combs and massage brushes, goods in aerosol packaging, manicure and pedicure tools (scissors, files, etc.).

• Return of Defective Goods

Defective goods are products that have defects. A defect of the product is a non-compliance with the requirements of legal acts and regulatory documents, the terms of the contract, or the requirements imposed on it. The received product must correspond to the description on the website. Differences in design elements or presentation from what is stated on the website are not considered signs of improper quality. If the Buyer receives a defective product, the Buyer has the right to use the provisions of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Consumer Rights Protection' — demand a replacement for a product of proper quality or demand the termination of the contract and a refund of the amount paid for the product. Claims (application) for a refund of the amount paid for a defective product must be satisfied within 14 days from the date of the relevant claim. The refund is made by returning the cost of the paid product to the Buyer's payment card. The Buyer may terminate the contract and receive a refund, in the amount of the value of the returned product to the Seller, excluding the cost of delivering the product to the Seller.